Chosen Solution
I have a dent on the corner of my screen and had a dent on the same side of the casing. this id the side of the hard drive. I took the hard drive out end was able to take the dent out of the casing. The screen is a other thing. its much to delicate. So i want to take it apart and do the same with the casing of the screen. How to remove and repair the display? Thanks! Sybe Boomsma. Amsterdam the Netherlands Update My model is the A1286. I am assuming the screen is the same as on the model A1278. please correct me if i’m wrong. If i’m wright, than the link i received answers my question. thank you wherry much rj713. If i’m not, than please send me a different link. thank you mayer an rj713, for answering my questions so far.
Here is a guide to help you. MacBook Pro Repair