Chosen Solution

This is something I’m very new to-am fixing friends broken xbox RROD and now I have been asked to replace/repair a DVD drive. Have done some reading which says I need to flash the drive (marry the drive to motherboard?) could someone put this in simple english for me. Been googling etc and found pages of do this, do that, buy my DVD. Most assume I have a clue about what they’re on about and to be honest I’m an idiot that needs an answer that doesn’t assume I know anything about anything and is without all the abbreviations… It looks like it should be simple but the more i read the more confusing it gets!

I’ve done it once and followed the instructions on here.…. The main thing I did learn is to stay with similar drives by the same manufacturer, so I had a Hitachi and got a new Hitachi of ebay Most of the software that you will require for the Firmware flashing is available at It is not hard to do but I found it tedious and a pain in the neck. Best of luck to you

Thank you. I had the same problem of it not reading games. I did the fix where I swapped out the circuit boards. There were two ribbon cables and nine super easy wires to solder. Lucky for me they were identical drives. Thanks for the ideas.