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One capacitor is used between AC and Ground Code 5D222NA Second one is used between DC and Ground Code 5D471KW What is that numbers 5D, NA, and KW? I got that 222 means 2200pf and 471 means 470pf. I also found X1Y1 400 written on both capacitors.

Hi, Couldn’t find the service manual and I got it wrong before, they are AC ceramic line filter and interference suppression capacitors. Here is a link to what I think is nearly an equivalent for the 2200pF capacitor. Its got the X1 rating but not the Y1 rather the Y2 meaning that it only has rating of 250 - 300 AC in lieu 250 - 500 AC and also only an impulse test rating of 5kV in lieu of 8kV (this describes the ratings for safety certified capacitors) They don’t have any 470pF (0.47nF) in their catalogue. (am still looking for one)