Chosen Solution

Want to find a quick solution to upgrade the sadly 32 GB storage without carrying an external drive with additional 250 GB?

I bought a used stream at an electronic junkjard / recycle shop for $50.00 with Win 10 on it. I went online to find a way to have a very slim Win 10. I disabled automatic updates! 1. If you download (might need another PC) and use the newest drivers for the WLAN, there is no problem IMHO. I own a HP Stream and it works well. Yap, not the fastest, but enought to do email and browse websides. It is very rare that youtube videos interrupt streaming. 2. I “upgraded” my lack of storeage stream this way: The stream hosts a micro SD card slot - yuppi! I got a SAMSUNG 250 GB micro SD (about $45) and popped it in. 3. I downloaded portable apps only and copied to the SD card, things like Ccleaner, audacity and so on… Only a few programs that resisted to install on the SD card got installed on the C: drive. Everything else that is not portable got install on the micro SD Drive. I enjoy having a backup Laptop for under $100, sure not the fastest but well working.