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I stumbled upon this site while searching for a circuit board and components diagrams for a SONY cassette recorder. Yes, the old kind! My son wants to learn about electronics and how things work. He spent all evening yesterday tearing down 2 tape recorders, an old radio and his game controllers. He can reassemble everything by himself, but he doesn’t know the names and functions of each part. He wants to learn about all the parts, their names and what each part does. Can anyone give us some suggestions for those sources? He is interested in robotics, solar and alternative energy and wants to build a solar car. Which site(s) have thorough training, tutorials and plans to learn about electronics and building your own gadgets? I would like to be able to search for a specific gadget and find a diagram with each part labeled.

There are tons of great resources…choosing is the hardest part. For someone who wants to understand electronics from a beginner’s perspective, I recommend youtube channels such as Afrotechmods and AddOhms. The grandaddy of them all is the EEVBlog. Some of his videos are quite advanced but he does a lot of teardowns and equipment tests. And, as your son gets more advanced, he will appreciate the more advanced theory. He’ll also want to peruse sites like Adafruit and Sparkfun Electronics.