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I got a cable for my iPhone7 i can charge and listen to music at the same time by using it was working at the beginning but when I updated my phone it keeps telling this accessory may not be supported, do you have any solution? Please help me.
So, this sounds like an aftermarket product. Apple makes weapons to fight people like us, and increase their profits. They’re worried they won’t be super ultra rich, and want to full on super ultra rich. Even products they themselves have released can have this happen. Apple used to make charging docks that your iPhone could stand up, while charging. Eventually those products, released by Apple, became unsupported. I believe they released a newer one. Same thing will happen. Sorry, this isn’t an answer. It’s the always lengthy explanation that is Apple
Practically no solution, just use the original cable
Hey guys, not sure if I just got lucky or not.. here is what I did: 1). With aftermarket cable plugged in (lightening cable to aux in my example) 2). I held power + circle to force reboot. 3). Upon recovery I instantly went into Settings > Power and turned on “Power Save” mode. 4). With my cable still plugged in, went to iTunes and music is playing for the last 30min. GOOD LUCK. hope this helps.
Try plugging in the cord turning off your phone and turning the phone back on with the cord still plugged in.
None of these solutions work. My charger works fine, the issue is the adapter for my headphones. This is really annoying. I have an apple lightning phone jack and a used iPhone 7 that I just purchased. Unbelievable that I have to trudge to the Apple store. I really hope someone there has a fix or I’m going to be extremely upset. I can’t stream my news or a video or anything using headphones. This is one of the most important functions of the iPhone for me.
- Try the other original charging cable for your iPhone iPad.
- Clean your Apple Accessory. You can use a pushpin to carefully insert it into your iPhone or iPad charging port, and clean out the pocket lint or debris from the charging port.
- Plug your charger in, when you get the error message hold your finger on the dismiss button and pull your charger out. While still applying pressure to the screen, plug your charger back in and it should work.
- Turn off the device with the Lightning plug attached and then restart it.
- Connect your iPhone to the charging cable. The error message will appear, so dismiss or ignore it. Next, turn on the Airplane mode in your device. Turn off your iPhone and wait for 1 minute and turn it on again.
I was not charging my phone when I got the error . I was going to send a photo on messenger and the message popped up and would not dismiss.
Plug in charger. Error message should pop up. Press finger against dismiss or ignore button and-while still applying pressure to the screen-unplug cord. Still apply pressure as you plug the cable back in. Wait for a few seconds then release pressure. Worked for me. So happy!!!
In my case, i buy Bavin lightning cable cord and it really works for me. It cost mostly around 7 bucks.
If Apple’s proprietary lightning cables were worth what they charge, I would not mind paying the Apple piper. But Apple’s cables are the first to go; they fray, they fail, they totally fall apart, all under reasonable wear circumstances. Certain of these tougher aftermarket cables hold up; if Apple would only allow them to function. They initially read and start charging, but then Jiminy Cricket somehow figures out they’re not OM products and disables the operation. Nice going, Tim. You force us into aftermarket cabling, then blackmail us into buying your inferior peripherals. Steve would have fired you long ago and put Forstall back in charge of the whole operation. He may have been a pain in the backshop, but he cared about us and shared our wide-eyed enthusiasm . You, Ive and fellow bots are meek pretenders, merely counting your (read: my) money. What’s most sad is that I’m a loyal fan of Apple products.
I have this problem with my lightening cable not being accepted as a supported accessory. It’s an Apple product it’s worked before and since upgrade has stopped. Can’t listen to music, can’t listen to my audio books with aux cables. So frustrating I may have to go to android phone but then I lose all my downloads. What the h$&@ Apple don’t you make enough money to sort this s#%t out!!!
This is my last Iphone, there out guys obsess with the last iphone, good luck for them in their iphone religion, on every dammed patch they make everything more than 2 years unsupported. I just recommend you to charge it with the iphone off or keep unplugging and replugging…or just admit we were happier before with nokia..cell phones were unbreakable, battery lasted for days, we didn’t have facebook , so they were no idiot trolls and spying and you have a life watching for your kids and if eventually someone call you, you knew that even with 5% battery you were able to have at least 1 hour conversation. who cares really about your life or number of likes from unknown people that really the care a $@$* about you. if is your birthday the people that truly loves you will call you…so short answer … you have to keep buying $@$* for ever with iphone, you have to keep spending because on every update your phone will be slower, the battery will go faster and your devices will be unsupported
Simply change your charging adapter, The cable wont matter. Atleast for me it didnt.
Yes, for me it was the charger block, and not the cable.
This is NOT due to an aftermarket product. Even the expensive Belkin adapter/splitter causes the same problem.
I did a “hard reset” on my Iphone 8 plus with the charging cable still connected. My phone is charging and it took away the same error message I was getting on my iphone. Have you tried this?
The issue is the charging port had the same issue iPhone SE customer took it to five places couldn’t figure it out . I figured it out in 10 minutes . The charging port was failing so it was tricking the logic board into thinking that the accessory used was not OEM . Did a charging port swap fixed issue been about threee months no complain