Chosen Solution

I already did the RROD solution using the fix kit, my xbox 360 still shows the 3 Red Lights, Can I do something else to fix it?;

Rogelio Garcia, the kit is strictly proving additional pressure on the GPU/CPU to try to close cracks in the solder joints. Combining this with a reflow with a heat gun may just add to a good repair. Check on here step 49 will explain it. Check on here for the reflow guide. Also “remember that all that this kit is trying to accomplish, is to close cracked solder joints. Most of the time the extra few pounds of torque provided by the kit, will close those cracked joints. It is not a permanent fix, nor is it a sure thing either. It all depends on the individual logic board and the damage to the solder joints. I strongly suggest a reflow with this kit. The chances to be successful is greater with a combination of RROD kit and a reflow. Of course, a permanent fix would be a total reball. for a reball to be done, you will need the stencil, a rework machine as well as the proper reball temperature template. If you do not have those tools, you can not do a reball. This will give you a pretty good idea on how to do it. As I mention in here, even a reflow may not be a sure thing either. It depends how you did it, how much experience you have to reflow it, and how bad the GPU solder has cracked. I suggest a reball to get it permanently fixed. Hope this helps, good luck

My six year old child loves the game minecraft, and I just happened to dig up my brother’s old xbox 360 from the garage. I bought her the game for about $20.00 and I also bought Modern Warfare 3 so I could have a little fun as well. After a short time of playing the games, the system began glitching and freezing up. Eventually I experienced what is commonly known as the Red Ring of Death. I brought my xbox 360 to a local repair shop called UBREAKIFIX ( to see what my options were. I hesitated for about an hour while speaking with the technicians at the store on Aug. 2, 2014. I had even called Microsoft before submitting this repair and was told that it would take about a month to fix for the same price. The official xbox representative warned me that if I were to service the machine from a company other than Microsoft, then Microsoft would never service that machine for me again. After a thorough series of questions with both the representative of the local store and the representative of Microsoft, I finally concluded that having the xbox permanently fixed within three days from a local shop (which I was already at) would be a better option than shipping it off to Microsoft for a repair that could take much longer. UBREAKIFIX had it “fixed” and ready for me within a couple of days (Aug. 5, 2014), the invoice stating a reflow was performed. I was very excited to tell my child, “Daddy got the xbox fixed for you!” I paid $84.79 and was given a 90 day warranty. However, they did not tell me this was only a temporary fix, nor did they tell me that I could only bring the machine back for two more reflows in the event of another failure within that 90 days. Furthermore they did not say anything about continual reflows potentially damaging the system even more. So I went with the quicker fix and submitted the machine to UBREAKIFIX, under the impression that this was a permanent fix, guaranteed by a 90 day warranty. Long story short, within several hours of playing the machine, the xbox 360 started freezing up. After the 6th time it froze, the Red Ring of Death was back and the machine was completely unusable. The system failed within 3 days (Aug. 8 2014) of the completed repair (NOTE: there was very minimal gameplay within those three days, as I have a life and a job outside of video games). Now I’m back to square one with a broken machine which I recently dumped about $120.00 into (if you count the games I recently purchased). I will now attempt to get a refund on the repair. since I was never told that this “fix” was doomed from the start for eventual failure (NOTE: The representative Luis C who processed my receipt was not the same individual who was initially answering my questions in the store). I feel that I was misinformed to believe that this repair was a permanent fix, as I had previously done research on temporary fixes such as “the towel trick” and the “Q-tip trick.” I’m not accusing the store representative of tricking me or deliberately misinforming me, but I do find it ironically disappointing that my biggest concern (about this being a permanent fix) is what I walked away with a false impression about. Today (Aug. 9, 2014) I called UBREAKIFIX and spoke to another representative about the reoccurring problem (possibly the same person I originally spoke to since it is the following Saturday from the day I submitted the repair) and was told that all of their representatives are very clear about explaining that a “reflow” is nothing more than “a band-aid” and will inevitable fail within the course of three months to a year at best. I was told that I could bring it in for another two reflows within the 90 days (I was not told that reflows can make it worse) and that my only “real” option for a permanent fix is to buy a new machine. If there is anyone who has a more permanent solution for my comparatively minor dilemma concerning a non-working gaming console and a loss of cash, I would be extremely grateful to hear it.