Chosen Solution

Recently my iphone 5s battery died so I purchased a new one along with the tool kit on this site, I followed the instructions of the guide to the best of my ability and was able to remove the old battery and replace the new one. Unfortunately after I put the phone back together the screen was black and I was unable to make it revert back to the way it originally was. I asked on here earlier that the problem was and my answer was to buy a new lcd and display if going back and reattaching the original lcd and display wasn’t working. So I did that and once it got here I changed the lcd and display following the guide on this site. After putting it back together the screen is still black. My itunes on my computer still recognizes the iphone but that is the only thing I have that tells me that my phone is on. It doesn’t vibrate and the new lcd display doesnt seem to light up at all also the phone doesn’t vibrate. I’ve already spent more than $100 dollars on parts so if anyone knows what the problem is and the solution it would be most appreciated.

Guys. Microsoldering is no simple task. Don’t incline this person to think spending more money, on a project that isn’t for beginners, is their best option. Obviously I enjoy diy mentality. However this is not going to be cheap, and the money you would need to fix this, wouldn’t be worth the cost of equipment you’ll practically never use again. I dunno, OP, you plan on opening a board level repair shop? Backlight circuits are tricky! You’ll want to find a good board level repair shop. I hear iPad rehab does good work

I would check your back light diode.

But I’m willing to be it’s your back light filter.

If your skilled at soldering it’s an easy fix. If not, I would get a conductive pen and draw a jump on the filter. Which is a temporary fix, but at least you’ve identified your problem. Now, it could last for quite awhile. I did this to my son’s ipad in 2014 and it still works today. Here’s a descent pen.… Here is something I made to help show you how to use the pen. There is no guide as far as I know.

Blue represents the area you want to tape off, I used 8mm polyimide only because I have a ton of it. You do not want to get the “ink” anywhere else other than the filter. The green is the bridge you need to make with the pen.