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hi i have an iphone 7 that wont turn on i believe there is a short somewhere on the board but i can’t find it as the short is small and i believe it’s somewhere on data line or maybe an IC is defected so when i connect phone to power supply the current is zero which means no short on pp_vdd_main but when i try to turn it on it stuck on 0.07 amp and stays there i did change the Tristar and Tigris but no luck so i come to conclusion that there maybe a small short i tried really hard to to find it but no luck would be great if you guys can help to locate this short that stop the phone from booting just to let you know i dropped the voltage to run more current into board but only goes up to 0.10 amp which still doesn’t help to locate the short thanks.

Start by checking PP_BATT_VCC and the PP_VCC_MAIN for shorts. If those lines look good, then start checking the voltage rails generated by the PMIC (such as PP_CPU, PP_GPU etc.). If you identify a short, try to determine what is causing it and work your way through the process. You should also double check the IC’s you have replaced. Inspect closely to see if they appear to properly soldered onto the board.

My iphone7 is same problem i try to turn it on it stuck on 0.07 amp and stays Any body help me tabks