Chosen Solution

Does anyone know the best solution for cleaning the LCD after the glass panel is removed? I’m ready to put the new digitizer on but i can’t get ride of the grease, oils, or w.e on it, I’ve tried microfiber cloth for about an hour now

We use Radtech’s OmniCleanz with a microfiber cloth for cleaning just about everything, especially displays.

Well since we cant get the OMNICLEANZ here anymore … homebrew something almost as good as follows . You REALLY should avoid anything that contains the likes of ammonia, acetone, toluene or ethyl alcohol , as these are solvents and while great at disolving oil based fingerprints , they are also quite good at disolving oil based plastics and removing Uv and other coatings on your LCD/LED screen ( glass covered screens have less issues with your windex type stuff, But most of these things still leave a bit of residue behind , which will require buffing out anyway , and any oilphobic , uva , glareproofing ect coatings are at risk with chemical ,or physical friction, for this reason use minimal pressure while cleaning ) so, IMO better to have the safest option on hand to aviod potenial mistakes when in a jam) . I find the smaller atomizing bottles desgined for lens cleaner (like what you get for camera lens or eyeglasses) easy to carry in my geek bag , but DO rinse well prior to filling up with something safer than things designed for glass. If you use microfiber 50/50 Iso and DISTILLED water should be fine. Tap water can have minerals , salts, chorline , tiny grians of sand and other stuff you dont want on the screen surface . dont use tissue or newspaper , paper towels , old socks or tee-shirts … these can and will scratch the surface .. Be sure to spray the microfiber , rather than the screen ( drips down into the internals are not good ) . if you dont have a spray bottle , you can just pour a small anmount directly on your microfiber .. Cleaning the screen while power is off has two advantages , 1stly , you can see dust better against a black background , and obvioulsy there will be less chance of shorting something out if liquid gets where it should not be ..

I used to have this same problem, but not any more. I came up with the perfect method of cleaning the LCD panel. First of all, I had no idea that alcohol would damage the LCD. I normally use 90% Isopropyl Alcohol for cleaning everything on the smartphones and tablets that I repair. I might change that back to a pre-mixed 50% solution, but the 50% does not remove grease as well. I honestly don’t think a 1-time cleaning using the 90% will cause a problem. I could believe that continued cleaning with the alcohol could cause damage, however. What works best for me is to follow this 3-step procedure. And take note, scrubbing an LCD with a back-and-forth motion will only get you frustrated, just as the previous poster had mentioned. I’ve been there, rubbing on an LCD for upwards of an hour, only ending with the same grease smudges that I started with. Well anyway, here’s my 3-step process:

  1. Using a micro fiber or dust-free cloth, or even a soft toilet paper, put a liberal amount of the alcohol on your cleaning cloth and use “flood-strokes” on the LCD in one direction ONLY. Wipe down the LCD in as few strokes as possible, as wide of a stroke as you can with your cleaning cloth or TP. You should use enough alcohol that it leaves a wet film on the LCD.
  2. Blow dry (with your mouth or a heat gun on low) the alcohol. It will disappear very quickly. If you see any spots, repeat step 1, and then do this again. You will see residue on the screen, but it should be very uniform, and in the direction that your flood strokes were in step 1. If you do this right, you may not see any streaks at all.
  3. Using your hot breath (hopefully your breath isn’t so bad that you melt the LCD, so be careful here), steam up the surface of the LCD and use the lint-free cloth to wipe the steam. This will get rid of all the residue left behind by the alcohol. It’s okay to wipe in a back-and-forth motion when using the hot-steamy-breath application of moisture. In only 5 minutes, your LCD should be completely free of streaks, grease, and dirt. Blow away any excess lint, and get the glass digitizer put on it as quickly as you can before your LCD attracts dust out of the air. One thing I would also recommend is that you have a good filter in your HVAC system. Some people I know of actually use a hood that forces air through a filter, and into the hood. This way, you don’t have any ambient air coming into contact with your LCD, because you are operating in a positive-pressure environment with incoming air that is filtered, and thus exhausting into the room after leaving the hood. I will be writing a post on this and possibly doing a video for my blog site, which is the Carlton Zone Blog. Check the site soon. I would be glad to post videos and advice for repairs, because I do a lot of this. Hope this helps, and let me know if it works for you!

I use a 50/50 mixture of alcohol (denatured if I have it) and water. That plus the microfiber gets fingerprints and grease off. Hit it with compressed air afterwards to clear off any dust or lint. I’ve never had a problem with the alcohol and plastic.

It took me some time to find the best cleaning solution for LCD’s, like fingerprints. Never use cotton swabs, or 100% isopropyl alcohol (IPA). 100% IPA evaporates too fast and you can make the little spot like a fingerprint, larger. What I do is the following: Mix 50% IPA with 50% demineralised and distilled water. That solution is strong enough to clean the spot, and will not evaporate too fast. Then use Anti-Static Foam Swabs for cleaning BGA/PCB (Cleaning Swabs CM-FS712 CleanTip) and take 2 pieces. Put less then a drop (as little as possible) on 1 foam swab, and remove the spot. Particles of the IPA mixture will stay on the LCD. With the other dry foam swab, remove the rest of IPA mixture from the LCD. In that way, you can perfectly remove the spot.

On an iPad I find the best way to clean the LCD without any streaks is get a microfiber cloth and dampen a coin size area with some 91 or 99% iso alcohol. Then hit the cloth with some heat or let it sit for a min until the spot is just barely moist. Then wipe the LCD with the damp spot and at the same time follow though with a spot on the cloth that’s dry to make sure you leave no streaks when the iso drys.

Mr. Jessup, Hold down the shift key when you hit return to achieve a break between paragraphs. Chris L.

The internal LCD screen? I don’t know if i would be comfortable using liquids on it, I wonder if Lenspen’s ScreenKlean would work, it takes the fingerprints off everything else with relative ease, and no chemicals , just a carbon pad. at the very least could be worth looking into