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I noticed the fan in my laptop was not spinning properly so I removed the keyboard the EMI shield and turned the laptop on to see what the fan was doing. Its spins for a few seconds when its first turned on and then stops. I removed the fan to check for dust there is some dust but not a lot, so now to the question whats the best way to clean the fan? (No fan options in the BIOS)

Problem solved thanks for your help everyone, I’m not what I did but the fans working great. I took the fan out to inspect the leads and the connector on the motherboard for damages when I couldn’t find anything I put it back together and now the fans work. What did I do?

Wet paper towels, make sure they’re not soaking wet, just damp, and wipe all that gunk out. You can also use compressed air and spray it around. But the paper towels does the main stuff. Check this video which can show you more about cleaning fans (although it’s about macs, same thing essentially as PC’s when it comes to fans.

On mine, I used a shop vac, placing the suction hose over the fan ports. I had to keep the pressure on for a few minutes to suck the dust bunnies past the grid, but is’s clean and the fans spin nicely. Best fo all, the laptop no longer freezes due to overheating.

I tired cleaning the fan thoroughly but it still only spins for a few seconds on start up is there any thing else I can try before looking for a replacement fan?

Hello Mark, I am including a link for working on your fan. You might consider the possibility the fan is going or gone bad and needs to be replaced. Good luck Ralph

I have already had the fan out to clean it which was unsuccessful. I started to think the fan might need replaced but I was talking to a worker at the computer shop that I’m doing work experience at, he said there is a possibility that it could be a problem with the motherboard.

Buy a can of compressed air and blow inside the air intake on the bottom of the laptop. This is dirty laptop fan.

1 Remove battery from laptop. 2 Unscrew Ram cover. Remove plastic cover from behind battery area. Remove screws and keep track of where they come from. 3 Remove plastic cover slowly. If it’s stuck, go back and check for a screw you missed removing. 4 Remove tiny screws over fan covers. Use magnetic screwdriver to avoid losing screws. 5 Use cotton swab or compressed air to clean blades and heat sinks. 6 Reassemble Notebook Reviews