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Hello How to clean Greasy spots on the display, water do not work LCD cleaner do not work,

it happened from finger greasy touches on keyboard then when close the display Greasy spots transfer from keyboard to display. any idea Thanks

Firstly, clean room wiper and Windex. Buy a pack of clean room wipes on eBay for ten or fifteen bucks, they will last a very long time. Very tiny bit of Windex, and apply to the wipe - NOT THE SCREEN! Secondly, and this will get thumbed down but it needs to be mentioned; please don’t be nasty. This is a two thousand dollar computer. So many people leave grease on their hands from eating, or don’t wash their hands, and touch the computer. If you’re eating with your left hand, limit touching the computer to your right hand, or vice versa. Wash your hands before and after a meal, and before/after using your computer. If you feel like your hands are sweaty or greasy from work, touching outside objects, or food, wash them before touching your computer. I am a complete mess as a human being, but my four year old laptop has no grease or dirt on it - a testament to how this basic system can keep clean even the worst of pigs. This should be done out of respect for the computer. Maybe you hate your computer - if this is the case, then just do it out of a desire to not be nasty. This should be a strong internal desire for everyone. This is all basic hygiene. Here are some pictures of things we see every day. There is no reason with the proliferation of indoor plumbing and handsoaps for people to have devices that are dark brown with dirt or have bugs crawling out of them. :(

Use a mild degreasing liquid dish soap (I like Dawn for this). PUT NO LIQUID DIRECTLY ON THE DEVICE. Open the display 90º and rest the display flat on a table (you may want a soft cloth between the back of the case and the table).Dampen a cotton cloth (Moist but not dripping!).Put a dab of detergent on it.Work around the grease spots.With a clean damp cloth wipe off the detergent(May have to do this step a few times)WIth a dry cotton cloth polish the screen. If this answer is acceptable please remember to return and mark it.

rain x is what i just fixed my mac book pro early 2015 w retina with. my screen was… idk smudgy and it almost seemed like it was behind the screen but wasn’t. now it is perfect.

Usually a clean and dry microfiber towel does the trick for me.

I assume you are talking about the purple/green chromatic smudges that appear. So here’s what I usually do to get rid of them: (do this in a well lit area so you can see the light reflections on the screen, it will make it easier to spot the chrome smudges) Dampen a cloth, kitchen cloth or an old clean shirt with water, make sure to ring it out, and dab a little dishwashing liquid on it.Using the cloth wipe down your Macs screen from top to bottom, sometimes you’ll have to go over certain areas a few times to get rid of the chrome smudges.Using tissues wipe off the water. You may have to go over your screen with a little pressure using new tissues to get rid of any water streaks that may still be there. Enjoy your clean screen…………. AND STOP TOUCHING IT WITH YOUR HANDS! MACS ARE’NT TOUCH SCREEN!

so the isopropyl alcohol always worked for me in the past when I had a 2013 MacBook Air, but after I upgraded to a 2019 Mac Pro it leaves horrible grease smears all over the display no matter the buffing with micro fiber towels. Maybe the screen changed? Just tried a damp paper towel with just a very small amount of dish soap, VERY SMALL! Used a circular cleaning motion and made sure to get the corners and edges. It looked like it didn’t work at first but a lite buff with a microfiber cloth and boom! Just like new! Hate watching a high def movie and all you see are those greasy portions in the darker scenes, plus try to take care of things that cost as much money as apple charges for their products! I still use the isopropyl alcohol for the rest of the computer. Don’t know if its just me but I multitask a lot and my keyboard gets gross! Hope this helps you Update (08/18/2021) and as I see now, there are may others that have tried this with success but their directions are far better than mine!