Chosen Solution
Hello, I wanted to know how can I check what is the best polling rate for my computer and where can I check that? I want to know because I don’t really know what to put on this, thanks! –Yuval
Yuval, not sure what OS you have. Check HERE for more info and some software to adjust your polling rate. Rememeber that windows by default limits USB update-rate, or polling rate to a mere 125hz(125 updates per second). Default USB mouse polling rate: 125 Hz = 8 milliseconds of latency Increased polling rate: 1000 Hz = 1 milliseconds of latency Typical monitor input lag: 5 ms to 30 ms Typical monitor refresh rate: 60 Hz (16.6 ms per screen redraw) Human response time* (from light hitting eye to hand movement): 120+ ms So from the time your computer/video card renders an image to the time you click/move your mouse and your response reaches the CPU it is: 30 + 16.6 + 120 + 8 = 174.6 ms It seems the relatively slow reaction times of humans, coupled with the fact that your monitor will never visually reflect changes faster than 60 Hz or 75 Hz, that there is absolutely no perceptible benefit to increased mouse polling rates. ;-) hope this helps, if not let us know…good luck
Ok, thank you so much! you were so helpful, you’re just awesome at helping, thank you very very much!
Sorry for re-open this thread. but i want to say, thanks you too ;) very helpful :D