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How much will it cost for me to fix my cracked screen
@malaina here is the guide for it. The cost for the screen will depend on what exact model your tablet is and where you are located. Cost can vary between $40USD to +$100USD. Total cost would be whatever you have to pay for the screen.
You may buy a screen through I fixit and use the guides to fix it yourself. If you choose to use a professional, ive seen up to $100 to fix it, but will chnage depending on the business get estimates. In your area, I only charge for the screen and $30 for the fix.
A lot of times, the cost to repair the screen is nearly the cost to buy a new phone. Especially if it’s an older phone (16gig) That’s why you always backup. Google photos and an SD card has your photos while you’re logged into your Google account for all your other apps. $100 to repair an old phone like 5 years old is $100 towards a much newer, faster, updated device. People are too sentimental or perhaps unaware of this reality when it comes to phones and cars. Never replace an engine or transmission - just upgrade to a better car. The screen of a phone is basically the engine or transmission - the most exoebsuy part 〽️.