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The reason why iam asking is that i try to sort all the screw out so that i can see the difference wich are sometimes 0.1mm. What are the messurements? Help is much appriciated.

The screw sizes and where they go are listed in the individual guides. Go to the guide of what you were trying to do and run through it. iPhone 6 Repair Sometimes with Apple products one length screw may be in a guide and what you actually run into during a repair may be slightly different if the machines were assembled in different locations. There are probably multiple companies doing the assemblies on the same model. China is not the Ford Motor Company assembly line.

The best way to sort out the screws on an iphone 6 is to get a emty box and draw what you see after the screen has been removed and as soon as you take a screw out screw it into the same location on the box as one screw in the wrong place will ruin your iphone 6,? Theres an old saying if apple put a part there it has to go back as it was there for a reason and its the same with the screws,? Good luck