Chosen Solution

I want to know where I can get a replacement battery (reasonable) and how to get it out of the shaver. Thanks

@dada1111 remove the two screws on the back and the case will come apart.

On the inside you will find 3 more screws to remove. The battery is soldered to the board and stuck to the board with adhesive tape. Use a soldering iron to unsolder the two tabs that connect the battery to the circuit board. You may need to break those tabs of the old battery and solder them to the new battery to connect it to the board. As for where to get the batteries and reasonable, that will depends on where you are. Something like this is what you are looking at. If you get stuck at any point, do not force anything. Just post some images of where you are with this, with your question. Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that.