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After replacing a screen for iPhone 7, I countered an issue that the screen has a ghost touch then I tried to check whether the connector is good, clean the connector and reconnect it, everything seem ok but the ghost touch issue is still exist. Any suggestions? Plz help me, thank you.

Hello Kaye, Defective display assembly, flex cable or pin damage and improper seating can all be causes of ghost touching. Temporarily hook your display to the logic board and power on your phone without seating the display within the housing; simply hold the display up above the phone while connected and see if you experience ghost touching. If not, then the cause is likely from improper seating - maybe a cable is being pinched or the metal backplate on the LCD is touching a component in the phone where it shouldn’t. Even look for a loose screw that may be lodged somewhere in the phone. Also check to see if the EM shield that covers the proximity/front camera flex cable is in the correct orientation. I have found when replacing the iPhone 7 display that the metal backplate doesn’t always like to sit flush around where the cables. Reassemble the display into the phone making sure everything fits properly. Hopefully your replacement part is good and there is no connector damage. Likely, something is misaligned and causing an electrical short that disrupts the digitizer.

After checking with Chinese phone repair shops, which has large volume of business and a lot of experience on the subject matter, these are what they found. iPhone 7 screens are more sensitive to individual variances and screens made by different suppliers like LG,Toshiba, Sharp have different sensitivity, in the factory the phones are calibrated on the line so there is no problem. However depending on how you’ve swapped the screens, you may encounter ghost touch or insensitive screen. On the backlight plate, assuming the screen is not a Chinese workshop remanufactured unit that Frankenstein parts together, Toshiba screens have manufacturing code beginning with C11 or F7C, LGs have DTP or C3F, Sharps have DKH or C0N, Crossing between Toshiba and Sharp gives you about 5% chances of bad touch, while crossing LG into or out of the equation has around 50% chances of ending you with bad touch because LG sensitivity range distribution is very different from Toshiba or Sharp. Without the official Apple calibration magic box, it is very likely to not work properly if your phone is built with LG screen but reinstalled a different one, or the other way around. So that magic calibration box has its value after all, unlike Louis Rossmann said it is just there to !#^& 3rd party workshops off.

Hi, This could be a few issues. The main culprit might be cable damage, you may have accidentally pinched the cables when closing it up. Or, it could be screen quality, if it’s a copy screen, these can have issues, or might be a faulty screen, try get a replacement. If a replacement doesn’t fix it, then you’ll need to look at possible logic board damage, connector may have been damaged, or something knocked off. Definitely try a new screen though. :-)

Hello All, I have run a small repair business for 7 years now. I pride myself on quality work, so when I began to have about a 20% return rate for phantom touch issues I knew I had to dig my heals in to try and figure this out. First thing first - I do not use OEM displays. All my displays however are high quality copy with TIANMA LCD’s and I have used the same supplier and same quality level for years without issues. I’ve come up with the following procedures during iphone 7/8 repairs and have not had a single return since. I’ve also done these procedures on returned units with the same display and fixed the issue. First - the Metal rectangular cover on the flex cable of the new screen has to be positioned perfectly. The best way to determine the position is to take a pair of calipers and measure from the frame of the phone to the edge of the loudspeaker. For example, the Iphone 7 measures 30.50mm and the iphone 7+ measures 44.50mm. I use a piece of kapton tape to hold the flex cables in place, measure from the edge of the screen to the edge of the cover, adjust, measure etc. Once you have it where you want it, install the metal backplate. If you make the actual position of the edge of the rectangular cover match this distance within +0.2mm/-0mm you’ve completed step 1. Second - I’ve noticed that on the original displays, the rectangular chip cover is one solid piece covering all the critical components on the flex. The chips installed on the aftermarket units are wider then original, and they have made these fit under the cover by cutting the edge of the cover leaving the chip exposed. If yours are the same as described, cover this exposed chip with a piece of Yellow Kapton tape. Third - When installing the screen back onto the phone, install all 4 screws in the flex cable cover loosely. Side the metal cover upwards as far as you can with all 4 screws loose. When you have it as far upwards towards the top of the phone as you can, tighten the 4 screws. I’ve got photos of all the critical steps if anyone would like a copy, send me a message,

I think you should try the following. I had a customer with the exact same issue and I placed a screenprotector on it and it stopped. I don’t know if this is for everyone, but I think it’s worth the try. Just buy a cheap screenprotector and check if it solves the issue. So again I can’t confirm it works all the time, but if you’re out of options, give it a try.

I myself read many answers to fix my phone ( iPhone 6). It use to “ghost type” and freeze. I read in some forum to twist the phone. Which gave me the idea that screen is not in straight line. I removed the screen guard and cleaned the iPhone screen. It did not work. Finally, I removed the hard case that it had to protect back. All the problems were immediately gone. It seems the hard case itself got twisted by a previous drop which was further twisting iPhone screen.

Anyone have an answear about FVQ reference ?

over the years, I did have a few ghost type issues after screen replacement with after market screens on iphone 7 that is. It turned out that the only solution worked for me is to replace the screen. I do believe that when the after market screen is matching to the OEM screen, that is when the problem is going away. So you would have to match the lg to lg or toshiba to toshiba etc… It is a rare problem, but it does happen and then you should pay attention.

I had also this problem with my two iPhone 5s after two weeks from screen replacement. “Makabu-ang ni nga problema” because it even automatically deletes texts when you’re typing for messages. Let me share this with you of what I did. 1.) Removed my existing screen protector and cleaned the touchscreen. 2.) Temporarily attached clear scotch tape on my iPhone’s screen. Overlapping is ok for testing. 3.) Performed testing and problem is gone. 4.)Removed clear scotch tape and replaced with new screen protector [tempered glass]. That’s all and maybe it helps a little to solve your problem. To God be the Glory.., all the time!