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Hi, we bought a washer recently, and it’s amazing, but throws a f20 code every load. I’ve already looked into it and am going to fix it via all the many solutions on here and other similar sites. I’m just wondering if there is some way to run the rinse and drain cycle after it throws a code, without unplugging it? When I press the cancel button, it just starts draining (which is fine I guess) but it keeps on going even once it runs out of water to drain. I eventually have to unplug it to restore it to the point where I can actually Interact with it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

@nieminen “to run the rinse and drain cycle after it throws a code” no you cannot! You do have to either fix the underlying cause or continue unplugging it to restore.

That question has been previously answered by @oldturkey03:F 20 error code